Rebuilding Marriages - Discover The 2 Common Excuses Cheating Husbands Use To Have An Affair

Are you suspecting your husband is having an affair? How do you tell the signs if he is having a physical affair with his girlfriend? Most men who cheat will have to come up with excuses to spend time with his mistress. The more plausible the excuses is, the less likely their wives are going to suspect.


So without further ado, let us take a look at the 2 common excuses that cheating husbands use.


1. Honey I Got To Work Late


If your husband is having an affair in his workplace, this is by far the most convenient excuse use to spend time with his girlfriend. This excuse always works because it is a valid reason why husbands come home late.


How to tell if he is lying? For starters, as a wife, you should know enough your husband's job to access whether if this is a valid excuse or not. Ask him about some questions about the project that requires him to stay late. Remember to causally inquire who else or how many people in his department had to work late for the project. Were the answers vague TripTogether or were there names mentioned? Ask the same questions again a few days later and check to see if his story matches.


If for any reasons, your husband becomes defensive about your questions, then that is not a good sign.


2. Honey I am Going To The Gym


Sometimes, cheating husbands use the gym as a cover for his affair. He could lie about going to the gym which in fact, he is actually spending time with his girlfriend. Or he could go to the gym, work out for 30mins or so and stop by to visit his girlfriend.


How to tell if he is lying? If there is no visible improvement in his physique, be very suspicious. The next time he mentioned he is going to the gym, drop in unannounced one day. Use an excuse review  like bringing him a towel to see if he is really at the gym. Or you could enlist your friend to visit the gym and check if your husband is there.


You could also check his bag when he return from the gym. One woman found out that her husband is having when she unintentionally found her husband's gym bag after a supposedly gym trip. She discovered neat and tidy clothes and towel instead of sweaty gym shirts. Her husband has been cheating on her using the gym as a cover.


